Mrs. Craig - Archived 11/20 Notes

kindergarten Rocks


Posted: January 28, 2013

ZOO    Letters of the Week- T t  and  U u Students will meet Timothy Tiger  and Umber Umbrella Bird!  We will focus on the letters, sounds and words associated through various activities.   Value Lessons: T t- We  are  terrific and Talented Kids! Read every night and practice your sight words. *Math Outcome- Comparing groups with more or fewer without counting objects, Comparing quantities from 1 – 5, counting forward and back and on from specific numbers.     Here’s  What’s  Up! Monday –  Library day.  Provided all books are returned, children may sign out a book for the week, to be returned by Friday please.   Practice your January Word list.  Tuesday – HOT lunch day Wednesday We will go Skating this week!  Have skates sharpened, and water bottles ready.  We appreciate your continued help in the dressing rooms and following the guidelines to ensure good experiences for all!       Thursday Poetry anthologies go home (usually J).  Please check for a new poem/activity and feel free to go back and review as it is great practice for reading skills and  letter and sight word recognition Friday- PIZZA DAY!! To avoid confusion or lost money,   please ensure that money is in a container (or baggie) with child’s name and number of pieces, and that it (and any notes or money) is placed in the yellow home folder.  Thank you.   Jersey Day- in the spirit of the Miramichi Pond Hockey Tournament this coming weekend, students are encouraged to wear Hockey Jerseys to school.      Here Come the  Copelands!   Things are moving along with our Tappin’ into Napan production. The students are really engaged in the various activities included each week Ground Hog Day is around the corner (Feb. 2nd)!  Will the groundhog see his shadow?  We will do various activities related to light and shadows.  Be listening for the results from  Shubenacadie Sam in Nova Scotia.  
To celebrate family literacy day, we are inviting parents and siblings of Napan Students to come to join our "in-school pyjama party" to share in the love of books and the joy of reading.  The event will begin at 11:00 on Monday, January 28th. Children have the option to wear pyjamas to school that day.

Posted: January 21, 2013

       Reminder: The January Scholastic book order is due this Friday, January 21st.      You can combine orders from both with one payment.  Each student was given a 5.00  coupon with which they can purchase a book or put toward the purchase of a more  expensive item.  They can be used with any order, just simply follow the instructions.    Happy Reading All Mrs. Craig

Posted: January 20, 2013

            ZOO Phonics -   Letters of the Week-"R r  and  S s"  Students will meet Robbie Rabbit and Sammy Snake!  We will focus on the letters, sounds and words associated through various activities. Value Lessons: R r- We  are  radiant  and  remarkable! S s- We are sweet and “sometimes” silly students!   ***Read every night and practice your sight words. Hmmm... have an adult help you with a "rhyme or riddle" to share with your class this week! *Begin thinking of ideas for Silly Sock Day-( Thursday) IF you have silly socks, wear them, if not, decorate a pair! (be creative but remember, the children are wearing them so be careful about the “foot part”   Math Outcome- Comparing groups with more or fewer without counting objects, Comparing quantities from 1 – 5, counting forward and back and on from specific numbers. Playing board games will reinforce these concepts, why not consider family game night?         Here’s  What’s  Up! Monday –  Library day.  Provided all books are returned, children may sign out a book for the week, to be returned by  Friday please.   Practice your January Word list each day.  Tuesday – HOT lunch day Wednesday There is no Skating this week Thursday Silly  Sock  Day!   Poetry anthologies go home (usually J).  Please check for a new poem/activity and feel free to go back and review as it is great practice for reading skills and  letter and sight word recognition Friday- Students will travel to St. Andrew’s Elementary to see a magician as part of French Language and Culture! PIZZA DAY!! To avoid confusion or lost money,   please ensure that money is in a container (or baggie) with child’s name and number of pieces, and that it (and any notes or money) is placed in the yellow home folder.  Thank you.         Tappin Into Napan!  Things are moving along with our Tappin’ into Napan production.  The students are really engaged in the various activities included each week.  The Grand Performance will be on February 15th.  We're Counting Down The k-2 classes have been counting the days of school since September and will celebrate the 100th Day of school! Students are welcome to create 100th day shirt or collect 100 items to bring to school.  We will be doing various math and language arts activities to celebrate at school.  There are less than 20 "School days" (Day #82) until we get there. . . so start thinking!     

Posted: December 9, 2012

     MERRY   CHRISTMAS   Christmas Concert - December 18th - children have their songs to practice each night.     Monday – Dec. 10  Library day.  Provided all books are returned, children may sign out a book for the week, to be returned by Friday please.   Children will continue with word lists from October and November Tuesday – Dec. 11 HOT lunch day Wednesday Dec. 12 Skating- Have skates sharpened, ski pants and helmets ready, and extra mittens!  Label bottles if you are bringing water.  You are invited to assist in the dressing rooms and skate with your kids.      Thursday- Dec 13  Poetry anthologies go home (usually J).  Please check for a new poem/activity and feel free to go back and review as it is great practice for reading skills and  letter and sight word recognition Friday - Dec 14 PIZZA DAY!! To avoid confusion or lost money,   please ensure that money is in a container (or baggie) with child’s name and number of pieces, and that it (and any notes or money) is placed in the yellow home folder.  Thank you. Winter is upon us!  Yes it is time to assemble warm coats, hats, mittens and BOOTS to ensure your child is comfortable   and enjoying outdoor play.  Students go out 3 times a day including early morning.  Don’t be caught off guard!  I recommend having an extra pair of mittens in a baggie packed in their bags too.  Zoo Phonics: celebrating letters   Qq  and  Rr   -  Value Lessons-  “We   are   quality   friends!”                            “We   are   radiant  and  remarkable!”   Children practice word lists from October and November.  Remember to look for them in your reading books!   Math- Continued work on numeracy- Numbers 1-5 (recognition, counting to 5 and back, counting on from numbers besides 1 and looking at part- part - whole combinations)   Food Bank Focus Foods- Dec. 10- 14 Dry Pasta and Pasta Sauce.  Thank you so very much for supporting this district wide project.  Have a good weekend.

Posted: November 12, 2012

   A big thank you to all the kids for their hard work in our Remembrance Day Assembly. You sounded simply wonderful!  I am so proud of your performance.   Tuesday – Hot Lunch Day                       - Beging working on November word list.       Wednesday – We are going to our first skating session!  Please review the guidelines with your children to ensure a good day.    Thursday– Poetry Anthologies go home.  Review a few poems to reinforce reading concepts       Friday – Pizza Day- again we ask that money is places in a sealed container with students’ names and the amount desired.  Please insert it into their hoe folders to ensure it is checked in the morning. Thank You         Christmas Time Notes: Christmas Concert- Tuesday December 18th 10:30 AND 6:00     *Operation Christmas Child boxes are due back.   We are once again participating in Operation Christmas Child.  Send in your request for a box and return the full box by Friday.  Please do not seal the box, simply secure it with an elastic.  Note there is an envelope for the 7.00 to help with shipping.       REMEMBER the District FOOD DRIVE!   The following is an outline of the suggested weekly food items but anything is welcomed even food items from prior weeks.  Children’s names are entered for a classroom prize!  Thank you for your help with such a worthwhile cause.   Suggestions for Donations to Food Bank for Christmas, 2012   November 5 - 9                       Kraft Dinner   November 12 - 16                   Peanut Butter, Jam, Cheese Whiz                        November 19 - 23                   Cereal   November 26 - 30                   Soup, Crackers   December 3 - 7                      Canned Milk, Vegetables, Beans, Spaghetti   December  10 - 14                  Dry Pasta and Pasta Sauce   December 17 - 20                   Canned Meats, Fish  

Posted: November 4, 2012

Finally we are up and running after fixing some log in issues!  Welcome.       Winter is upon us!  Yes it is time to assemble warm coats, hats, mittens and BOOTS to ensure your child is comfortable during outdoor play.  Students go out 3 times a day including early morning and it is getting cooler.  Don’t be caught off guard!  The District wide Christmas Food Drive is on again!   Kraft Dinner is the suggested food item for Nov. 5-9. With the increased use this is a much needed endeavor.      Skating begins this month.  Have skates sharpened, ski pants and helmets ready and extra mittens.  You are invited to come help in the dressing rooms and skate with your kids.  A note will go home to explain guidelines and expectations as this is a school event and extension of our Phys. Ed. Zoo Phonics: celebrating letters  Jj and Kk Math- review and assessing sorting and patterning (identify, name, copy, extend and create) outcomes Monday – Library day.  Provided all books are returned, children may sign out a book for the week, to be returned by Friday please.   Children will receive their words for November Tuesday – HOT lunch day    Thursday- Poetry anthologies go home.  Please check for a new poem/activity and feel free to go back and review as it is great practice for reading skills and sight word recognition Friday is PIZZA DAY!! To avoid confusion or lost money,  If your child is ordering, please ensure that they have money in an container (or baggie) with their names and number of pieces and that it (and any notes or money) is placed in the yellow home folder.  Thank you.   Lest We Forget- Our Remembrance Day Ceremony will take place on Friday morning at 10:30.  You are invited to attend along with other family members.  Students are encouraged to wear red for Red Friday to recognize our troops.  Please ensure forms for honor or memoriams are completed and returned ASAP   Happy Birthday!  to Brooklyn Gregan and Brooklyn Sargent!       Have a good weekend all.

Posted: September 18, 2012

          Well we are well into September and things are moving along.  Just a couple of quick notes 1) School Photos will be taken on Friday morning.  They will be available for purchase with various "package" choices at a later date.  Chilren are usually kept inside during the early recess as many are dressed up, but are welcome to change afterward for outdoor play later in the morning.    2) Library books!- I apologize for any confusion- Library day was on Monday. Children are allowed to sign out one book adn must return it by Friday each week. Failure to do so suspends a child's privledge until the book is returned.  3)          Special Dates:                            Photo Day  Sept. 21      *Mad Science presents!  Sept. 21                                     Terry Fox walk   Sept. 27         *Kouchibouguac Presentation Sept. 28  

Posted: September 18, 2012

          Well we are well into September and things are moving along.  Just a couple of quick notes 1) School Photos will be taken on Friday morning.  They will be available for purchase with various "package" choices at a later date.  Chilren are usually kept inside during the early recess as many are dressed up, but are welcome to change afterward for outdoor play later in the morning.    2) Library books!- I apologize for any confusion- Library day was on Monday. Children are allowed to sign out one book adn must return it by Friday each week. Failure to do so suspends a child's privledge until the book is returned.  3)          Special Dates:                            Photo Day  Sept. 21      *Mad Science presents!  Sept. 21                                     Terry Fox walk   Sept. 27         *Kouchibouguac Presentation Sept. 28  

Posted: December 19, 2011

  Correction!!! the note that went home should have read that our concert is at 10:30 and 6:00 pm Tuesday, December, 20- Hot Lunch Day Christmas Concerts  Day. Please have Secret Santa gifts at school by tomorrow morning, thank you.   Wednesday, December 21     Thursday, December 22-Secret Santa gift opening (may be Wednesday)   Friday, December 23 Last 1/2 day for students for Christmas Vacation- EARLY DISMISSAL applies  As you know, it is also my last day before I begin my 6 month Deferred Leave and will return in September.  Thank you for your support and assistance this past term.  My replacement until June will be Miss Sarah McGrath.   Miss McGrath was also my replacement during my maternity leave and is no stranger to our school.  Rest assured that your children will be in wonderful hands upon their return in January.        We have a great donation of items to contribute to the District Office Food Drive.  With your generosity, there will be more Christmas Spirit shared in our community.  Thank You so so much for helping!   Merry Christmas and enjoy a wonderful season with with your families and all the very best to you for a prosperous, healthy, happy New Year.     Mrs. Craig          

Posted: December 12, 2011

          December 12-16th VALUE LESSON- We are loveable children who love to laugh!  Zoo Phonics-  Letters of the week Pp and Qq                       - meet Pee Wee Penguin and Queenie Quail  ABC BOOM- reviewing strokes  and adding Pinwheel (whoooosh)  New Words-  List number we/ are  -  Please review other lists MATH- N1- know the number sequence from 1-10/10-1                         Beginning at any number ex. 4,5,6… 10  ;   8,9,10   or   5,4,3…1 ;   8,7,6…1 -        -Continuing our unit Exploring Numbers 1-5 dividing a "total" into its "parts" MONDAY  - WE ARE AT DAY # 65.  TUESDAY - Hot Lunch Day                 Pack your skating bag! WEDNESDAY – Skating Day, be prepared need a helmet and ski pants! Parents are asked to watch children from the designated area.  You may provide bottled water only (no colored drinks) and children cannot have drinks on the ice surface.  Please enter the using the   door by the team benches and NOT the one close to the rink entrance.  This is a school activity and an extension of our PHYS. ED, program so students are to  try build their endurance we ask that tye not leave until skating is over.  If they need to rest, there is a designated area.  thank you for their cooperation.   THURSDAY – Christmas Dinner for staff and students at the Napan Hall poetry anthology goes home complete the activity FRIDAY – Pizza Day!!     HOMEWORK-Read and Record nightly               Complete the activity sheets for math and L.A.               Poetry Anthology –read to an adult and complete the                            Related activity You can keep the homework book home for the week and return it Friday. Any donations to the food drive can be brought to Mrs. Craig's room.  

Posted: December 1, 2011

Christmas box   Our school has set a new record at 39 shoeboxes!   Thanks to our students and families for participating in this Christmas project that is sure to brighten many faces and spirits this holiday! 

Posted: November 21, 2011

  Due to my absence today, the children's folders/homework will go home tomorrow night (Tuesday). Select a favorite book from home and enjoy some quality reading time!   I will see you tomorrow children! 

Posted: November 20, 2011

November 21-November 25, 2011 This week's Value Lesson- "Be Joyful"          donations to the food bank are being collected in Mrs. Craig's Room            Zoo Phonics-  Letters of the week Nn   Oo                        - meet Nigel Night Owl and Olly Octopus ABC BOOM- stroke focus the astronaut  shlang!                 New Words-  List number 7 -  Please review other lists MATH- N1- know the number sequence from 1-10/10-1                      Beginning at any number ex. 4,5,6… 10  ;   8,9,10   or   5,4,3…1 ;   8,7,6…1 -                              -Continuing our unit Exploring Numbers 1-5 - amounts more/ fewer, numbers before/ after                recognize familiar arrangements of dots (like on dominoes)   MONDAY  - WE ARE AT DAY # 50!                Mrs. Craig will be out TUESDAY - Hot Lunch Day z               Pack your skating bags!   WEDNESDAY – Our first Skating Day, be prepared you need a helmet and ski pants!   THURSDAY – poetry anthology goes home complete the activity   FRIDAY – Pizza Day!!   HOMEWORK-Read and Record nightly               Complete the activity sheets for math and L.A.               Poetry Anthology –read to an adult and complete the                            Related activity You can keep the homework book home for the week and return it Friday.

Posted: November 13, 2011

                                                          November 14-November 18, 2011 VALUE LESSON- We have integrity and intelligence!   Zoo Phonics-  Letters of the week Ll   and  Mm                        - meet Lizzy Lizard and Missy Mouse (due to interruptions we are a bit behind) ABC BOOM- stroke focus the astronaut  shlang!  New Words-  List number    Please review other lists MATH- N1- know the number sequence from 1-10/10-1                         Beginning at any number ex. 4,5,6… 10  ;   8,9,10   or   5,4,3…1 ;   8,7,6…1  -                        -Continuing our unit Exploring Numbers 1-5 MONDAY  - Library Day!        TUESDAY - Hot Lunch Day WEDNESDAY – THURSDAY – poetry anthology goes home  FRIDAY – Pizza Day!!     HOMEWORK-please see note in the homework books for new format. You can keep the homework book home until Thursday.  The poetry anthology will be sent home on Thursdays (subject to change occasionally). Children are asked to return their reading books to exchange daily however.   We extend our many thanks for the donations made to Unicef via the penny drive.  The total is not yet in however, whatever the amount every bit makes a difference!  Thanks         We have two COLLECTIONS underway!     1. Our district wide food drive is underway.  Students may (but are not obligated to) bring food items to school according to the list sent home.  There is a draw at the end for prizes and ballots will be received as items are donated.       2. Milk Bags- there is a lady in Moncton who collects milk bags which are cut in such a way that they are made into mats for the people of Haiti.  THe bags are those that hold the 3 smaller bags. Collections are ongoing.  If you don't drink milk from the bags, perhaps you have relatives or neighbors who can safe them for you!       
